Making a Difference

Adventures for those living with chronic illness, injury or disability

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People in the office
People in the office
People in the office
People in the office
People in the office
People in the office





Our mission

We’re helping you expand your boundaries

If you think you have physical limitations, our courses will show you they are far beyond where you think they are.

Our Next Adventure Weekend.

Our Next Adventure Weekend.

Following on from the success of our previous Adventure Weekend, we are planning our next one in the Forest of Dean.

This event is open to participants with disability, injury or long term chronic illness and a partner each.

Activities will include a range of adventures to show you that excitement is still within your capacity, however limited you feel.

Dates are 12th, 13th and 14th  July 2024.

We do ask for a small donation of your choice towards the costs of organising the event, accommodation and food.

If you are interested in attending, get in touch via our contact page and tell us you'd like to come.

Our Experience

We organise adventure weekends for you and your carer/partner/family member.

You can experience abseiling, underground adventures, high ropes, rafting and all the social activities that make such a weekend a special shared experience.

There’ll be campfires, a chance to have fun and relax, meet people and compare experiences. Our adventurers usually find they get a lot more than expected.

We won’t push you - you’ll push yourself

People in the office
People in the office
People in the office

Mini Adventures

Adventures can be easier, smaller but no less adventurous. We plan simple but special adventures for this with physical challenges. Which one do you fancy?

Abseil off a big wall

Wing walking

Rafting for those in wheelchairs

Fieldcraft experience to observe deer

People in the office
People in the office
People in the office